Our Core Values
People matter to God. All people. Jesus didn’t die for just my race, or just your country. He came to seek and to save all people - regardless of ethnicity, age, or economic standing. New Life Church of Concord and Lexington is a multi-cultural, multi-generational church. We believe that we’re stronger together - we’re all not the same, but we all belong just the same.
God deserves the best. He’s perfect, and we’re not. He does everything well, and sometimes we fall short. Our falling short isn’t an excuse to not offer Him our very best. Our ministries, our facilities, our programs, our services - in everything we do we strive for excellence because our God deserves it. Excellence never shows up in the same place with “good enough.” Excellence exists where excellence is valued - and we value offering God our very best.
We are consistently generous in the giving of our time, our talents, and our treasure. Love gives more than it takes. As our capacity for loving God, His Kingdom, and His church expands, we see more and more how generously we should live our lives. At New Life, we give our time and talent to serve in a ministry - from the Parking Team to New Life Kids Ministry to the Sanctuary praise team - we believe in finding a place to generously serve. We generously give of our finances in tithing and offerings. People don’t give to New Life Church, they give through us - we’re blessed to be a blessing!
We place high value on our relationship with Christ, with our spouses and families, with other believers, and with our community. Strong communities are built on strong churches, and strong churches - the kind of church we want to be - are built on strong families. We create engaging environments for our disconnected culture to reconnect to others on a personal and genuine level. We were created for community - and our church helps people fulfill that fundamental purpose of humanity.
Many Christians believe that they’re ‘finished’ at their conversion, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. You’re made right before God at that very moment, but you’re just beginning this incredible journey known as the faith-walk. There’ll be twists and turns, ups and downs, good times and not-so good times, and we want you to have a few tools to help you navigate through that journey. At New Life, we want you to have an opportunity to not just began the faith-walk, but to continue that walk towards a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
Statement of Faith
We believe in the one, ever-living, eternal God: infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purpose; and possessing absolute, indivisible deity. This one true God has revealed Himself as Father, through His Son in redemption, and as the Holy Spirit dwelling within us.
The Bible
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, a divine revelation from God to man. We accept the Scriptures as the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin; that He lived a sinless life, was crucified on Calvary for our sins, and bodily rose from the grave. Further, we believe that He has been exalted to the throne of God; where He is the only mediator between God and man. We believe that through His death and life we have personal salvation and power for victorious living.
We believe that all people have sinned and stand in need of redemption, which is obtained through the new birth by faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Those repenting of sin and being born again of water and spirit as the first church taught, become children of God and heirs with Christ.
The Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is active in the world today and that the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with His accompanying gifts, is the privilege of all New Testament believers.
The Church
We believe the Church has been “called out” of the world to be a habitation of God through the Spirit. As the body of Christ on earth, the church offers hope to mankind. The church is one body made up of many members, diverse in their gifts and calling of the Holy Spirit.
The Second Coming
We believe in the pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ to receive His bride, the church, unto Himself. At his coming, we believe the dead in Christ will be resurrected from the grave. We believe in Christ’s millennial reign upon the earth.